Wow- this year has been quite interesting for me. All the transformations I started putting into motion about a year ago are finally materializing and I am simultaneously excited and nervous. Everything around me is changing. I moved to a new place. It is really cool and literally down the street from Ender. The sad part is I haven't visited with Ender yet. Totally terrible! Anyways- I am also starting a new job next week. The whole job change has me feeling very nostalgic. I have been with my current company for almost ten years. I can only equate my emotions to that of a high-school student when they are gearing up to leave home to go to college. It's that knowledge that there's a whole new world out there and that you are standing on the threshold of the rest of your life. But that doesn't stop the giant knot in the pit of your stomach from growing bigger every minute of every hour. I remember this feeling from a long time ago. Lots of deja vu.
My life has been at quite a stand still for a long time now. Maybe for the last three years. I knew it was time to shake things up a little. Initiate change. And watch what happens. Well- according to chaos theory, this will lead to widely divergent results even without any random events. Since life is not a deterministic system to begin with, I am sure random events are not a conditional parameter. I am excited to see how the road will unwind now.
Dora Out! Woof!