Thursday, November 3, 2011

Still Breathing

Dear Garfield, Ender & Dora,

First off thanks for your concern regarding my rant in last blog. I have come to terms with that I am an emotional puppy dog and not like Barney Stinson. Anyways I will try to be happy it maybe a while.
We are all very different personalities and this blog has really helped me understand each on of you better.
Ender - I can relate to your troubles to some extent. The burden of parents expectations has always weighed me down. Somehow I feel I need their approval (Mom's) for everything. I have tried hard but to let go but can't. I guess you just have to find a balance. I think I found mine. As Stewie would say, it is very difficult to please everyone.  Your life is not a negotiation where all parties win-win.
I heard a speech somewhere about how a person with talent may always not be the winner but a person with the right attitude can go long ways. A talented person may not know how to rise back once he fails but a person with the right attitude does. One should hire the latter as that person knows how to get past a failure. This is random but isn't that the whole idea of this blog? I just think Garfield could use it for a MBA case discussion.

I also learnt over this weekend that i am a ticking time bomb about to explode...ask me why? I have little to no patience left for people. Actually let me rephrase it - I have to little to no patience for people I don't care or don't know people are safe - actually more like my pacifiers. Several people who I didn't know at at friends party made snide comments about my costume. I still get upset when I think about it...was it cause I cant take criticism or was it because I don't know how to take criticism from unknown people. I finally had to go get some booze with Dora to pacify myself. Am i turning into a Hulk? I really need to remove these frustrations. I am 29 and feel like 59. I need a break!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Stewie,
    I will be your drinking buddy any time, any day! :)
